
FAST is Seeking Sponsorships

Through feedback from members of our community, we recognize the importance of reducing costs, and ensuring the long-term sustainability of our organization.

The fundraising committee has worked diligently to produce a Sponsorship Package which aims to promote partnership with local businesses, foundations and individuals.

The funds received through any sponsorship will be used to help the whole organization reduce financial barriers for individual participation, transportation and meet fees, pool rentals and general operational overhead.

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a sponsor, or securing a sponsor, please contact
Darcy Delaney at darcyd311@gmail.com


​​​​​​​Sponsorship Package

We invite you to review our Sponsorship package and various levels of support

To learn more or to become a FAST Sponsor, please contact Darcy Delaney at darcyd311@gmail.com

View Package