Swim a Thon
What is the Swim a Thon?
The Swim A Thon (SAT) is a fun in-pool fundraiser where participants earn money by swimming lengths of the pool. This is usually FAST’s only major fundraiser each season
Swimmers are required earn a minimum donation of $60 for swimming up to a maximum of 200 lengths of the pool or for 2 hours – whichever comes first!
How to create a Swim a Thon Page
Its more than a fundraiser
In addition to being our major fundraiser for the year, our SAT has become an amazing team building event.
We see our swimmers of different age groups rally together to support each other as they take on this very challenging event!
Not to mention the snacks and prizes!
Step 1
Goto this link https://donate.swimming.ca/ and follow the instructions to set up your swimmer's page (it takes just 2 minutes!)
If you have more than 1 swimmer, you can either create a page for each, or 1 family page.
Step 2
Share your swimmers page link on social media and with family/friends/neighbours
Step 3
The Swim A Thon will be:
Wed, May 29 - 5:30-7:00 pm for JP, SR, HP
Sun, Jun 2 - 3:00-5:00 pm for A1, A2, A3
Plan to be there and get ready to swim!
SAT Frequently Asked Questions
What if I don't set up a page or my page doesn't receive $60 minimum?
If you do not set up a swimmer page, or if your page does not earn at least $60, your FAST account will be charged for the $60 mandatory fundraising fee (or additional fee needed to equal $60)
Who must participate and is it mandatory to attend the SAT?
Yes, its mandatory for all our competitive swimmers to participate in the SAT. In addition to being our major fundraiser of the season, the SAT is an incredible event that challenges swimmer, raises self esteem and enhances Team Building. There are so many benefits of the SAT, FAST takes full advantage of the opportunity by ensuring everyone participates.
What is the money used for?
90% of the money raised stays with FAST. The remaining 10% is divided between Swimming NB and Swimming Canada.
For 2024, the SAT revenue will be used to purchase of equipment. Meaning, you will not have to purchase headsets for your swimmer if your current set breaks or if they require a new one.
Top Fundraiser
2 Hour Private Session with UREDS swimmer (Sept 2024)
$100 Radical Edge Gift Card
2nd Top Fundraiser
2 Hour Private Session with UREDS swimmer (Sept 2024)
$50 Radical Edge Gift Card
3rd Top Fundraiser
2 Hour Private Session with UREDS swimmer (Sept 2024)
$25 Radical Edge Gift Card
More Prize Information:
Weekly Draws in April for a $25 Radical Edge Gift Card

After the Swim- a-Thon Donations will be closed. Closing date will be confirmed by email but tentatively June 2, 2024) ·
· Top Fundraiser will receive a 2 hour private session with a REDS swimmer (to be scheduled in September) and a $100 Radical Edge Gift Card
· 2nd Top Fundraiser will receive a 2 hour private session with a REDS swimmer (to be scheduled in September) and a $50 Radical Edge Gift Card
· 3rd Top Fundraiser will receive a 2 hour private session with a REDS swimmer (to be scheduled in September) and a $25 Radical Edge Gift Card
Top Average Fundraising Group -- Pizza Party – Value up to $150
This year, we’re trying something new: each swimming group will compete for the prize of top fundraising average.
The winning group will win a pizza party valued at up to $150.
How will you know how your group is doing? Every week, we will add up the funds raised by group members; divide by the number in the group and post the results. Location and Date TBD. (Note: If you are raising funds on a family page, the total will be divided by the number of family members and added to the respective group’s totals.)
Questions? Please contact your group’s parent liaison and they will help you obtain the answers you need.
And the winner is:
Draw #1
Draw #1
Draw #1