Competitive Registration
currently under review (March 2024)
full swim season (Sept - July)
ages 11-17 years
in pool try-out required
two streams - Aquanaut (competitive - tailored to swimmers goals) and Performance (performance goals and highest level of commitment)
group placement is determined by many factors including, swimmer goals, skill, maturity, emotional and motor control and processing information
Online Registration
Current FAST swimmers are given the opportunity to pre-register before registration is open to new/not current swimmers
Access Code
you will be given an access code required for pre registration if your swimmer qualifies
Ensure Account is Active
Prior to registration, ensure your account is active and in good standing
Registration Walk Through
Select Competitive Registration
Log in to your FAST account and select Competitive Registration from the pull down tab
Select your Registration Group
Group assignments will have been emailed prior to registration.